Create an APA style correlation table with R


We will create the correlation matrix using Hmisc::rcorr to get the correlations along with the p-values and knitr::kable to print the table. Using R-Studio, we can knit directly to word and format it the way we like.

library(Hmisc) # For rcorr
library(knitr) # Pretty print table

The general format for each of the cell is to display the correlation, along with stars to indicate the significance level. We want to apply a function (Pasting *) for each cell that is below a specific level.

Helper Function

First we define a function that allows us to apply a function to each cell that satisfies a property. There may already be a function for this, but I could not find it.

#' Applies a function `f` to each cell of a data frame `mat` if the corresponding cell in `p` is TRUE
#' @param mat A matrix or data frame
#' @param p A matrix with the same dimension as `mat`
#' @param f A function to apply
#' @return `mat` with `f` applied to each cell where `p` is TRUE.
#' @examples
#' x <- rbind(c(1,2,3), c(4,5,6), c(7,8,9))
#' apply_if(x, upper.tri(x), function(x) x + 5)
apply_if <- function(mat, p, f) {
  # Fill NA with FALSE
  p[] <- FALSE
  mat[p] <- f(mat[p])

APA Correlation Matrix

Now we can define a function to return the matrix with the stars appended to significant correlations. The row names are kept with the index appended. The column names are replaced with the index.

#' @param mat an rcorr object or a double matrix
#' @param corrtype is either pearson or spearman. Will be passed into Hmsic::rcorr if mat is not already an rcorr object
#' @return `mat` with stars appended for each level of significants (p < 0.05, p < 0.01, p < 0.001)
apaCorr <- function(mat, corrtype = "pearson") {
  matCorr <- mat
  if (class(matCorr) != "rcorr") {
    matCorr <- rcorr(mat, type = corrtype)

  # Add one star for each p < 0.05, 0.01, 0.001
  stars <- apply_if(round(matCorr$r, 2), matCorr$P < 0.05, function(x) paste0(x, "*"))
  stars <- apply_if(stars, matCorr$P < 0.01, function(x) paste0(x, "*"))
  stars <- apply_if(stars, matCorr$P < 0.001, function(x) paste0(x, "*"))
  # Put - on diagonal and blank on upper diagonal
  stars[upper.tri(stars, diag = T)] <- "-"
  stars[upper.tri(stars, diag = F)] <- ""
  n <- length(stars[1,])
  colnames(stars) <- 1:n
  # Remove _ and convert to title case
  row.names(stars) <- tools::toTitleCase(sapply(row.names(stars), gsub, pattern="_", replacement = " "))
  # Add index number to row names
  row.names(stars) <- paste(paste0(1:n,"."), row.names(stars))


Now we can use apaCorr and kable to pretty print the correlation table in a format similar to APA.

irisStars <- apaCorr(as.matrix(mtcars), corrtype = "pearson")

kable(irisStars, format = "markdown")
  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
1. Mpg -                    
2. Cyl -0.85*** -                  
3. Disp -0.85*** 0.9*** -                
4. Hp -0.78*** 0.83*** 0.79*** -              
5. Drat 0.68*** -0.7*** -0.71*** -0.45** -            
6. Wt -0.87*** 0.78*** 0.89*** 0.66*** -0.71*** -          
7. Qsec 0.42* -0.59*** -0.43* -0.71*** 0.09 -0.17 -        
8. Vs 0.66*** -0.81*** -0.71*** -0.72*** 0.44* -0.55*** 0.74*** -      
9. Am 0.6*** -0.52** -0.59*** -0.24 0.71*** -0.69*** -0.23 0.17 -    
10. Gear 0.48** -0.49** -0.56*** -0.13 0.7*** -0.58*** -0.21 0.21 0.79*** -  
11. Carb -0.55** 0.53** 0.39* 0.75*** -0.09 0.43* -0.66*** -0.57*** 0.06 0.27 -